IoT Data and Sensors

Automate and simplify day-to-day business operations with IoT

Alongside our sister company AIS Technology, we deliver an all-encompassing IoT solution, integrating various hardware components seamlessly into a single platform.

Our IoT Solutions

AIS Technology provides the embedded device which is used to streamline all communications. This communication makes standard procedures more easily manageable and efficient, with minimal human intervention. By means of low-cost computing, the cloud, big data, analytics, and mobile technologies, physical things can share and collect data. With our advanced IoT digital systems, we can record, monitor, and adjust each interaction between connected things.

From proof of concept to commercial deployment, AIS Software makes IoT technology accessible to all.

Our IoT Solutions provide:

Real-time access

Enable faster and more accurate decision making with real-time access to data.

Data-driven insights

Optimise processes and improve performance with analysed IoT data.

Instant notifications and alerts

Get notified of emergencies and situations right as they happen.

Reduced operational costs

Improve profitability by reducing manual processes and automating repetitive tasks.

Increased efficiency

Improve quality and reliability by enabling remote monitoring and control.

We Develop. Customise. Integrate.

AIS Software is a professional software house that is dedicated to developing, implementing and supporting systems and projects for various markets